1. What is your favorite summer drink?
Coke. Always a favorite.2. What is the best summer sport to play?
Bike riding. Don't know if it counts as a sport, really, more an "activity."3. What’s the best summer sport to watch?
Baseball. Specifically Chicago Cubs baseball!4. Do you like the ocean, the pool or the lake?
My favorite thing is to watch the shore go by from a boat, so I prefer oceans and lakes to pools.5. Some folks drink whiskey in the winter and gin, tequila (margaritas) or rum drinks in the summer. Does you alcohol of choice change?
Nope. I believe Jimmy Buffett has the right idea about ordering Boat Drinks all year around.6. What is your favorite summer song?
God, I'm old. "Silly Love Songs." (1976)7. What was your best summer growing up? How old were you and why was it best?
8th grade. I was 13. I had more freedom than ever before and more money (due to my gradeschool graduation) and felt quite womanly.8. Have you ever had a summer romance that you knew would end?
Yes. He was much younger than I so I knew we had no long-term prospects. But, oh, my, it was glorious fun for a time. We started wonderfully in May and limped to an end in April, so it lasted longer than I thought it would.9. How old were you when you first went skinny-dipping? Who were you with?
To this day I've never skinny-dipped. And I won't, at least not in daylight. There are places on this fair old bod that I DO NOT want to be sun burned … ever!To play along yourself, or to check out other bloggers' answers, click