Sunday, November 05, 2023

Sunday Stealing



A - Ambition: to be more Melanie than Scarlett
It's a battle every day

B - Birthday: the day before Thanksgiving, 11/22

C - Computer: MacBook Air

D - Dream: serenity

E - Exercise: weekly yoga and morning stretches (<<< if I remember)

F - Favorite Food: pizza or cheeseburger

G - Garden: the two happy philodendrons in my den

H - Hobby: baseball season is over so nothing is competing with my love of movies
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
I - Idol:
JBKO. I admire her because she balanced responsibility and independence. She lived her life on her own terms. She survived tragedy in the spotlight.
She rebuilt her life again and again. She never shirked her responsibility to her parents or her sister, as difficult as those relationships were, and she was a good mother.

J - Job: beginning tomorrow I am a Sales Associate (Seasonal) at the local card shop

K - Kids: only furry ones

L - Location: US, midwest, Chicagoland, my bedroom

M - Military: I've never served

N - Name or Nickname: None that I feel like sharing

O - Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
P - Pets: Roy Hobbs and Constance MacKenzie

Q - Quote:


R - Reads: 38 books so far this year

S - School: a long, long time ago

T - Travel: I think my next trip is the TCM Film Festival in Hollywood this April
U - Unfulfilled ambition: to be organized

V - Vacation spot: I'm a domestic traveler; I have no dreams of going abroad

W - Wardrobe: jeans and a t-shirt, or jeans and a sweater (I don't do hoodies)

X - X-tra facts about me: When a doctor taps my leg with that rubber hammer, nothing happens. Never has.

Y - Years online: Many, many
Z - Zodiac sign: Sagittarius


15 years ago today I woke up happy

 ... because I was in Grant Park the night before, watching history being made as my Senator became our President-elect. The city has never felt safer or more hopeful than it did that night. 

I'm a proud Democrat and an even prouder campaign volunteer. This picture reminds me why I don't sit on the sidelines.