So said our fearless leader, Lou Piniella, after Wednesday's sweep of Diamondbacks. Our win streak has reached three! And trust me, this season that is cause for celebration!
I just wish the Dodgers -- our next opponents on this West Coast jaunt -- weren't so good this year. And I wish these weren't all night games! The late starts screw with my schedule -- I eat too much and forget to do my evening "Clean Me." I guess that means that the 2010 Gal is about as consistent and disciplined as her 2010 Cubs.
Amazingly enough, I saw a former coworker in the stands. I heard he'd retired to Arizona and there he was, sitting behind some Cubs fans in full Cubbie regalia whom the camera lingered on for a long moment. The Diamondbacks only pull less than 30,000 fans this year but still, what are the odds that I'd be able to recognize someone I know in the stands?
Oh well, it's time to sing myself to sleep with, "Go, Cubs, go ..." I shall dream of my team continuing their hot streak into the All-Star break.