Yesterday I stood at the head of a conference room table and presented creative concepts I'd really never seen before.
I took Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off to be with my mom. When I left the office Tuesday night,
MY creative concepts were written, but my manuscripts hadn't been turned into beautiful, full-color layouts by an art director yet. Plus there were 3 more concepts to be written by our other writer.
My boss really, really wanted me to present on Monday. Our client likes me, and I think fast on my feet. I said I'd be willing to do it, but I was nervous about reviewing the work. I offered to stop by the empty office Friday evening, but he told me it was OK, he would Fed Ex it to my mom's house in plenty of time for me to review it before I had to present Monday morning.
Someone made an error filling out the Fed Ex form, and instead of scheduling a Saturday AM delivery, they marked Monday 5/12, afternoon.
The presentation was Monday, 5/12, at 10:00!
So I reviewed it all in the car on the way to the client's business offices! A full 3/5ths of it was completely new to me. At the risk of sounding immodest, I'm amazed by how well I did. Especially when you consider the situation with my mom, which still weighs on me.
This is what I learned: if I have too much time to rehearse, I whip myself up, make myself nervous. While in the future I'd
prefer to see the work before I head off to the client, this actually might have been better for me personally than if I'd had the whole weekend to prepare.