My boss -- a balding, gray-bearded, suburban 50-something dad -- has been behaving in a most peculiar and unpredictable way lately. During our internal meetings, he disses our staid, down-to-earth client because they aren't willing to spring for more TV commercials … even though TV is the absolute
wrong medium for what they're promoting, he would like to spend more time throwing around phrases like, "talent," "editing," and "on the coast." He has been cutting me out of the process, working directly with our department planner and the woman previously referred to as
New Mom. My boss' new style boomerangs between merely annoying and getting in the way of my productivity.
Then, suddenly, it hit me. He has a crush on one, or both, of them! They are both young enough to be his daughters, and he wants them to think he's cool and on top of everything. I'm not implying anything is going on, in fact, I'm sure nothing ever will. But he's
twitterpated! I guess now that his only son is away at school and with the workplace getting younger and younger, it's only normal that he have a midlife crisis. Since I have a front row seat for it, I must try not to smile too much.