This week's theme is "Beginnings," which is fitting because this is the very first week of Heads and Tails. Since we can interpret the theme any way we wish, I'm celebrating "Beginnings" with the Chicago song, popular when I was in high school …
"When I'm with you, it doesn't matter where we are,
Or what we're doing. I'm here and that's all that matters.
Time passes much too quickly when we're together laughing.
I wish I could sing it to you,
I wish I could sing it to you."
Here's How To Play:
• Visit Skittles' Place each Tuesday, look at the Heads & Tails sidebar, and check out the theme.
• Interpret them in any way you wish. You can write a story or a poem, show photos or videos, scan and post a picture you drew, just about anything. The choice is yours.
• Please link back to Skittles.
• Visit the other participants.