[ 15 things that make you smile ]
1) Blue skies
2) The Cubs

3) The Lads from Liverpool
4) My work, when it's going well
5) Going to the movies
6) See my best friend's name in my inbox
7) My cats
9) Reading
10) Checking my snail mailbox
11) Peanuts
12) Early, early morning and late, late at night
13) Pedicures
14) Massages
15) Hotel rooms
[ 14 things that make you frown ]
1) My belly
2) Being misunderstood
3) Space hogs
4) Mexican food
5) Fox News
6) Racial slurs
7) Ethnic slurs
8) Homophobic slurs
9) Bullies
10) Children running around unattended
11) The Three Stooges
12) Carlos Zambrano
13) Not having change for the vending machine
14) Neglected pets
[ 13 things you see every day ]

1) My cat Charlotte "helps" me with my skincare regimen by sitting on toilet seat and observing keenly
2) My wallet
3) My keys
4) My rings
5) A watch
6) My Lucy-Ethel alarm clock
7) My iPod
8) The el rumbling along the tracks
9) Sears Tower -- OOPS! Willis Tower
10) My cat Reynaldo being naughty
11) My cat Joey enjoying a catnap
12) The news
13) My pink bathmat
[ 12 things you have always wanted to try ]
1) Ballroom dancing
2) Rock climbing -- if I thought I was strong enough
3) A marathon -- if I thought I was strong enough
4) Getting a really nice wig
5) Getting my home organized
6) Crossing Abbey Road
7) Cross country skiing
8) Painting (as in walls, not a portrait)
9) See a live TV show
10) Skate
11) Take a cruise
12) Learn a foreign language
[ 11 objects that mean a lot to you ]
1) My iPod
2) My blue earrings from New Hope, PA
3) My MacBook
4) My quill/ink pot charm
5) Certain photos
6) Cable
7) My books
8) Personal letter from Senator John Kerry, thanking me for my support in 2004 (and signed with a fountain pen)
9) My late grandma's Cubs jersey
10) My late grandpa's ceramic jewelry box
11) My Graceland mug
[ 10 places you have been ]
1) Graceland
2) New York
3) Atlanta
4) Colonial Williamsburg
5) Hot Springs
6) Los Angeles
7) Key West
8) Boston
9) Paris
10) Washington, DC
[ 9 of your favorite foods ]
1) rib-eye steak
2) eggs over easy
3) pizza
4) cheeseburger
5) peanuts
6) cheese
7) chocolate
8) Coca Cola
9) Lox and capers
[ 8 things you would rather be doing ]
1) Wandering through a library or museum
2) Watching the Cubs in sunny Wrigley Field
3) Yammering with my best friend
4) Getting a massage
5) Enjoying a drink and watching the waves
6) Seeing Bruce Springsteen in concert
7) Seeing Paul McCartney in concert
8) Trying on sunglasses
[ 7 things you would take to a deserted island ]

1) Sunglasses
2) Sunscreen
3) Bug juice
4) Tunes
5) Movies
6) Books
7) Plenty of Coca Cola
[ 6 things you wish you never had to do ]
1) Laundry
2) Shop for utilitarian stuff like light bulbs and toilet paper
3) Sit through boring meetings
4) Kill time at the station waiting for the next train because I just missed the last one
5) Make insincere small talk with people I don't really like
6) Have another colonoscopy
[ 5 people that mean the world to you ]
1) My best friend
2) My mom
3) My niece
4) My nephew
5) My oldest friend
[ 4 of your biggest fears ]
1) Being dependent
2) Being homeless/poor
3) Being in a plane crash
4) Enduring an assault
[ 3 words to describe how you feel right now ]
1) Bored
2) Fidgety
3) Itchy (my skin is dry)
[ 2 things you're excited for ]
1) My niece's graduation
2) My best friend's birthday
[ 1 thing you want to say to someone ]
1) It's your life, make it what you want it to be!