1. Right now I'm _____. Watching Meet the Press.
2. _____ is my well known quirk. Being a rabid fan girl
3. Are you _____? kidding
4. _____ first, then _____! Measure/cut
5. That's why _____. I'm here
6. _____ is one of my favorite tv shows ever! The Dick Van Dyke Show
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my
plans include _____ Um ... My answers are not weekend-y at all: starting my Christmas cards/going to work
8. If I could go anywhere on a road trip, I'd go to _____. the TCM Film Festival in April. (Unfortunately, I can't afford it this year.)
9. _____ is something I don't understand. Dismissing impeachment after all this evidence
10. Thanksgiving makes me think of _____ how grateful I am for my blessings.
11. _____ is the best way to relax! A nap
12. It looks like Autumn _____. is over
13. _____ is one of my favorite healthy snacks. A bowl of cereal
14. The smell of _____ makes me think of _____. licorice/Grandpa
15. When I am feeling lazy I _____. do this (fart around on the internet)
16. When I look to the left, I see ______________. my sofa
17. ___________ are the room(s) that have the best view in my home. The living room is
18. _________ was done dirt cheap! Dirty deeds were
19. __________ is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share. Jury duty
20. If you have any __________feel free to share it with me. chocolate
These are the thoughts and observations of me — a woman of a certain age. (Oh, my, God, I'm 65!) I'm single. I'm successful enough (independent, self supporting). I live just outside Chicago, the best city in the world. I'm an aunt and a friend. I feel that voices like mine are rather underrepresented online or in print. So here I am. If my musings resonate with you, please visit my blog again sometime.
Sunday, December 01, 2019
"I need my sister"
He claims he wasn't. He says it's all different medications he takes after his accident.
I know that, after church on Sunday, he and his friend Phyllis go to brunch and drink wine.
So I think they're both right.
He was very weepy, which is standard these days. But he is showing real improvement. He's empathetic again. That facet of his personality has been missing for the last year. Now he says he's sorry for what he's put me, Reg and Phyllis through. It's so good to hear.
I tell him apologies are not necessary, that I love him and I'll always be here. I tell him the facts and details of the accident are unimportant to me, that all I care about is having him alive and stronger every day.
That's not entirely true. I'm very happy to hear the "I'm sorry." Because he has. on occasion, been an asshole and it's a balm to hear he knows and regrets hurting my feelings.
And because, before the accident, Henry was the dearest, most generous man you'd ever want to meet. I've missed him!
In less than a month we will be together in Key West. That will be good for us both. I predict it will be a merrier Christmas than it was last year (and Christmas 2020 will be even better still).
In my happy place
*Saturday, it was Raisinettes
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