Sunday, February 04, 2007

I still love you, Rex Grossman!

Maybe it's the long-suffering Cub fan in me, but I can't stand hearing fans turn on their own players. That why it makes me sad to predict that unless the momentum shifts in a big way (kinda like the San Andreas fault), Rex Grossman is going to be blamed for this Super Bowl loss. He'll be the least popular Chicagoan since F-ing Steve Bartman (I have been advised that "Fucking" is not really Mr. Bartman's real first name, but I demand to see his driver's license or birth certificate for verification). And it isn't fair to the Bears QB.

This is Rex's first full season and here he is, in the Super Bowl. And don't forget, the Bears weren't picked to even get this far. Grossman is younger and in better shape than the Punky QB known as McMahon was. He may just bring the Bears back next year.

And do we really believe that he didn't want to win? Does anyone really think he wanted to fumble a time or two before a national audience of millions and millions? This is The Game, the one all these guys have dreamed of their entire lives. Rex Grossman wouldn't, and hasn't, dogged it tonight.

So when he returns home to Chicago, let's hope that he doesn't require a bullet-proof vest. He gave it a good, honorable effort, and he gave the fans an exciting season.

Brave, stubborn or crazy?

It is now -1º. That's what the mercury reads; I don't want to know what the windchill is. But dammit, I'm a hale and hardy Midwestern girl! I don't change my plans because of the winter cold. No siree! Not me!

For my excursion to Linens and Things, I will wear two pairs of socks inside my big, black Herman Munster boots. Long underwear will be under my jeans. And the entire layered ensemble will be topped off by my thick, heavy Anne Klein coat, which makes me look like Ralphie's brother Randy from A Christmas Story.

I'd better get started now. I only have four hours to put all those clothes on, get over there, shop, get back here and take all those clothes off before The Super Bowl starts.