Behold QB Michael Vick, who has run afoul from the law because of dog fighting. DOG FIGHTING! Training/torturing innocent creatures until they either become killers or are killed. For fun and profit. What a cruel asshole/waste of space millionaire Michael Vick is.
Yeah, yeah, I know. He's been indicted but not convicted. "Innocent until proven guilty." Normally I fight for that fundamental American right, but I lose my better judgment where kids and critters are concerned. There is nothing uglier than exploiting and injuring those who are smaller, less powerful and more innocent than ourselves.
It also makes me sad about the state of the professional football. Yeah, yeah, I know. I now sound like every middle-aged couch potato who ever lived. But I remember back to my girlhood, when Joe Namath got into trouble with the commissioner of football for owning a bar. From OJ Simpson to Rae Carruth to Tank Johnson to this piece of flotsam … what a long, strange and ugly trip it's been for the NFL.