She's still in here, somewhere. The girl who first heard, and was transformed by,
Born to Run. I may have a mortgage and an office that overlooks Michigan Avenue, I may need bifocals, but I'm still in here. And Bruce can still reach me.
I'm having one of those days. Everything is low energy and a little blah. Part of it is that art director, who is sucking my energy away. Part of it is the mass exodus of coworkers (OK, perhaps two doesn't constitute a mass, but still ...) Part of it is that discomfort that comes from being in a holding pattern, performing in a dress rehearsal every day, waiting for the real show to start.
So I reached for The Boss, because he knows. He knows that I'm scared and thinking that maybe I ain't that young anymore … He knows my tendency to hide beneath my covers and study my pain … He knows I'm lonely for words unspoken … Oh, hell, why didn't my parents just name me "Mary?"
"Wendy" wouldn't be bad either. She's the one who gets to show him that love is wild, that love is real.
I'm so glad I put this CD on. Somehow it's all easier to take now. Thanks, Bruce.