Really, I do. I caught sight of myself in a store window at lunch today and this is a reasonable facsimile of what looked back out at me.
Fortunately I was able to work out today. The pain in my knee has lessened somewhat so I wasn't worried about hurting it more. I did just 10 minutes on the treadmill -- don't wish to overdo -- and a full 20 on the stationery bike for 30 minutes of cardio. Because of my poor old knee, I hadn't been able to do that in a while. I topped it off with 16 reps on one of the arm machines. I'm still scared to try any leg machines yet.
So this activity helped my heart and my self-esteem. But there's still my pigeon profile to contend with.
I don't diet. I just can't. I have no willpower, and then I feel bad about myself and then the self-loathing gets out of control and, well, you get the idea.
But there is one thing I can do very easily that will help, and that is substitute water for Coke.
I drink Coke constantly. It's as though there's a red can epoxied to my hand. I consume Classic Coke the way other people drink coffee. One in the morning before work, one as soon as I get into work, one with lunch, another at my desk if I'm working late, one when I get home. That's 4-5 cans of Coke each day. That's 600 completely empty calories each day, too. Adjusting the total bit for my weekend consumption, that's 4,000 calories per week.* Which ain't helping my curvaceous pigeon profile none!
So in addition to increasing activity, I shall reduce my caloric intake. Beginning Monday, it will be water when I first come in from work. Every day. And I'll just suck on the water bottle until it's empty. No Coke for The Gal if there's H2O in the bottle.
*Are you impressed? I really don't do numbers, you know.