So many emotions! He is my baby, he is my responsibility, and I brought a disease into our home in the form of Connie. I did it unknowingly -- she was up on her vaccinations and so were Reynaldo and Joe -- but I did it all the same.
Yet Connie deserves a good life, doesn't she? Her early years were pretty brutal. She came to the shelter from the home of a hoarder. She was emaciated, with mushy gums and a chronic eye infection and a litter of stillborn kittens inside of her her. Today this sweet cat is solid around the middle, lively and chatty, trusting and affectionate. Rey and Joey and I made her feel welcome and safe here. I can't really regret that.

Connie -- playful, loving Connie -- is also strong and healthy right now. Her levels are high enough that the FIP is likely to cause her problems. But not right now. If I just love her and enjoy her and keep her on the high qualify diet she currently snarfs down, it's not unreasonable to hope for 6 years with her. Maybe more.
And so that's what I'm going to try to do.