I love a close contest, and this was one. It was tied into the bottom of the 9th. And, thanks to Kosuke Fukodome, the Cubs won. Now I'm exhausted.
I spent 9 hours with my nephew, start to finish, and that's one long day for a barren spinster who usually only spends 9 hours at a crack with immature art directors. He started out mega-excited and ended up a little sullen. But I guess that's what happens to 10 year old boys over the long haul. Even good ones.
And we can file this under, "from out of the mouths of babes." When he saw the BP ad on Wrigley Field scoreboard, my nephew asked me if they had to pay to get it shown up there. I confirmed that yes, indeed, they did. He said he believed they'd do better to give that money to the fishermen who have lost work because of the spill. I was very proud of him.