If she's not qualified to be VP, who is responsible for putting her on the ticket? Many of these same McCain campaign "insiders." Not to mention John McCain himself.
According to legend, she and McCain met once and spoke on the phone before he chose her as his VP candidate. Think about your own job. How many interviews did you have? How detailed were they? It bothers me that the HR department at the agency where I work spent more time with me than John McCain spent with Sarah Palin before deciding to put her a (70-something) heartbeat away from the Presidency.
So let's leave Caribou Barbie alone and hope she simply disappears from the national stage forever. And let's be grateful that our new President is the one who is putting together the Cabinet that's going to help him run our country. He may have less experience than McCain, but his campaign ran more efficiently and suffered fewer leaks. He added Joe Biden to the ticket without uproar or internal dissension. He has demonstrated greater people skills and comforting judgment in these matters.
President-elect Obama. To borrow from Tom Petty, we got lucky when we got him.
PS I really do love those jackets Sarah Palin wore during the campaign. Aren't those navy buttons cool? I wish I had her figure so I could carry this stuff off.