Sunday Stealing: The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 1
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. Which state do you consider to be the most boring state? Iowa
2. If any chef from the Food Network (or any well known chef) could cater your wedding, who would it be? Rocco Dispirito, because I like carbs and his looks
3. What's the last thing you ate that was red? Does catsup on my fries count?
4. Have you ever questioned the sexuality orientation of a close friend? No
5. Everyone loses a friend after some big fight. Tell us about one. Oh, God. This was bad. Judy had been a friend for decades. She accused me of hitting on her boyfriend, and somehow going behind her back to expose their clandestine relationship to her sister. (Her lover once slept with Judy's sister, who considered Judy's relationship with him a betrayal; I don't know all the details because, honestly, I wasn't involved.) An ugly, ugly situation.
6. Have you ever washed an iPod or mp3 player in the washing machine? No
7. Have you ever screamed/yelled angrily at a boss? Yes
8. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes
9. Have you ever regretted being in a relationship with someone? Good Lord, yes!
10. Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't have a clue? Often
11. Have you ever thought someone must have been insane? If yes, tell us something about the person. My older sister falls victim to uncontrollable rages. This goes way, way beyond a "bad temper." Her last objet de rage was her son. She lunged at him with such ferocity that when he stepped out of the way, she hit the wall with such force she had to go to the ER. He was in his teens and she was in her mid-40s at the time. As one who spent her childhood and adolescence on the receiving end of her storms, I can tell you that they are not normal and terrifying to behold.
12. Have you ever pretended to be younger than what you are? Yes
13. Back in the day, did you ever cry because you were turned down for a date? Literally cry? No. But it hurt.
14. Have you ever (or your significant other) had a pregnancy scare? Yes
15. Have you ever pretended to like someone when you didn't? Almost daily. I work in an office, after all.