Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #371

It was 40 years ago edition. My boss at the card shop is in her 30s and thinks the 80s -- when her parents were young -- was just the coolest decade. She loves the techno pop and the big hair. While she's never seen Dallas or Dynasty, she's aware of them and their impact on fashion.

This got me looking back to the top shows of 1984. We certainly were suds-obsessed that year! Four of the most popular shows were nighttime soaps.

Nielson's Top 13 of the 1984 season:

1. Dynasty

2. Dallas

3. The Cosby Show

4. 60 Minutes (still a Sunday night fixture)

5. Family Ties (when America first met Michael J. Fox)

6. The A Team (Mr. T.)

7. Simon and Simon (A spin-off of Magnum PI, which came in at 15)

8. Murder, She Wrote

9. Knot's Landing

10. Falcon Crest

11. Crazy Like a Fox

12. Hotel

13. Cheers (where everybody knows your name)

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 7

My 2024 Happiness Icon
Today's happiness: Company as I Did Housework

Today I had the windows opens and was able to cool my home with box fans instead of air conditioning. I vacuumed and Swiffered and had the Cubs on as I worked. My guys won 8-2. I was so happy that I actually sang the victory song.
Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.