2. When was the last time you fell in love? We were riding along the River in a cab, very late. And I saw his profile by streetlight and spotted a heretofore unnoticed, tiny scar by his eye and asked him how he got it. He literally fell off the back of the truck at his grandpa's farm when he was a little boy. I thought about how big that scar would have been on his tinier face, and how close he may have come to losing that blue-gray eye, and I was overwhelmed with a desire to kiss the boo-boo. Ooky girly emotions like that only mean one thing: LOOOOVE.
3. Have you ever injured yourself falling down? Last March, on my way home to visit my mother and give her a framed photo of my niece, I took a tumble and landed in the street. The frame shattered but I wasn't cut. I was so relieved that I initially didn't notice how scraped and bloody my legs were. The next day I looked like a first grader, with bandages up and down my legs and shins.
4. Imagine that your head is on the guillotine block and the blade i

5. Do pumpkins scare you? Nope.
6. You are free-falling from the sky to Earth. It has taken you 3 days to fall from the galaxy and you are hungry. Where do you land? Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
7. I found this painting by John Everett Millais: Autumn Leaves (1856). It struck me totally funny. Look at their faces. What are they saying? What is going on??! It's the March girls -- from left, Meg, Jo, Beth and little Amy. They're doing chores for their Aunt March. This was before rakes, so they had to collect the leaves in a basket.
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