• New drapes in the living room and the master bedroom
• Ceramic tile starting in the kitchen and going on into the dining area
• New carpet in the living room/hallway
• New kitchen counters and new fronts for the cabinets
• New toilet, sink and wall tile in the bathroom
• A fresh coat of paint on everything
Sigh. I am $3,000 away from having 8 months' living expenses in the bank. That's important because in advertising, you can be laid off at any time, and I am my only source of income/support. So socking away that last $3,000 has to be my priority before I can take on the bigger projects, like the kitchen and the bathroom.
But I think I will start shopping around for window coverings. Certainly I can do that without much expense.
This is the only home I've ever owned, and I have this vision of what I can make it. But it seems like I'll never be able to do it all! In 2006 I had the unexpected expenses of a new air conditioner, new refrigerator and new windows. This past week I had to have some wiring redone. All this crap was necessary, but none of it was fun. And it was all costly enough to keep me from accumulating that last $3,000.
Ah, the joys of being a homeowner!