Wednesday, May 09, 2007

This is the only home I've ever owned

I'm suffering with a combination of tummy ache/menstrual cramps today. Consequently I'm not moving too much, sticking to the sofa. From my perch I'm able to survey my condo, and am dreaming of all the things I'd like to do with it …

• New drapes in the living room and the master bedroom
• Ceramic tile starting in the kitchen and going on into the dining area
• New carpet in the living room/hallway
• New kitchen counters and new fronts for the cabinets
• New toilet, sink and wall tile in the bathroom
• A fresh coat of paint on everything

Sigh. I am $3,000 away from having 8 months' living expenses in the bank. That's important because in advertising, you can be laid off at any time, and I am my only source of income/support. So socking away that last $3,000 has to be my priority before I can take on the bigger projects, like the kitchen and the bathroom.

But I think I will start shopping around for window coverings. Certainly I can do that without much expense.

This is the only home I've ever owned, and I have this vision of what I can make it. But it seems like I'll never be able to do it all! In 2006 I had the unexpected expenses of a new air conditioner, new refrigerator and new windows. This past week I had to have some wiring redone. All this crap was necessary, but none of it was fun. And it was all costly enough to keep me from accumulating that last $3,000.

Ah, the joys of being a homeowner!

1 comment:

  1. Not fun to spend the day with tummy yucks and cramps. I hope you're feeling better now.

    There's nothing like having the time to look around to make one come up with a zillion different ways to spruce up the old hacienda. I've been in my house for nearly 20 years (gads, that makes me feel soooo old). Time for lots of updates...if only they didn't cost so much.

    I admire your determination to have 8 months salary saved. I have about 20 minutes available. I'm self-employed (own a little retail shop) so my salary fluctuates with the economy. I really miss the Clinton years. Now I feel as if I'm hemorrhaging dollars every time I go to the grocery store or fill up my gas tank. Stick with your plan, it's very wise. Oh, and please pass some of that wisdom my way!


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