Thursday, May 10, 2007

And I love him … them … all of them

This is the flip-side of my TT post about celebs I hate. There are also celebs I love. Very much. OK, I admit it: my mind is a motel. And these gentlemen are my most frequent objets d'lust. As luck would have it, there are 13 of them, too, so I shall consider this TT.2

1. George Clooney. It’s not just how heavenly he looks in a tux. How can you not love the man who used his popularity and power to make Good Night and Good Luck? And while he takes his craft seriously, he doesn’t take himself seriously.

2. Greg Maddux. He has the most darling face, like a 6’ tall Precious Moments doll. The dichotomy is that this sweet-faced, bland-voiced guy is one of the best pitchers there ever was/ever will be. So within that average exterior must beat a tenacious, committed, passionate heart. And that’s soooo sexy.

3. Bruce Willis.
Love his smirk. Love his shoulders. Love him as an action star (Die Hard, Armageddon) and his character parts (13 Blocks, In Country) and his supporting roles (Pulp Fiction, Nobody’s Fool). Love him.

4. Bruce Springsteen.
He has the heart of a poet and a body by Nautilus.

5. Paul McCartney.
I love him. I always have, since I was 6 years old. He’s my doe-eyed troubadour.

6. Patrick Dempsey. Great face, great hair, and somehow you just know he’ll smell good. I would love to have him sidle up beside me in an elevator.

7. Hugh Grant. Maybe it’s the McCartney influence, but I’m simply a sucker for Brits who can’t keep their hair out of their eyes.

8. John Edwards. He has clear blue eyes and terrific hair. His accent is so honey smooth I can listen to him for hours. (And, back when I was a Kerry-Edwards campaign worker, I did.) And there's something very sexy about a man who loves his wife so much. I keep hoping he'll come through and give me an unassailable reason to support him for President. (Other than Elizabeth.)

9. George Stephanopolous. My other politico/heartthrob. Truly terrific hair. I love watching him be all boyish, and then bore into some candidate with the one question he didn’t want asked.

10. Chris Meloni. Or, actually, Elliott Stabler, his character on L&O:SVU. Intense and honest and good and true – with a very hot bod.

11. Robert Redford. Not now. I’m afraid I could kill him now. But Redford in the mid 1970s is as gorgeous as it gets. Especially that scene in the Way We Were when he appeared onscreen in his Navy Whites. The only man who could possibly look that hot in uniform is …

12. Richard Gere. Ah, that last scene in Officer and a Gentleman! In a way, he’s the anti-Redford in that he looks better with each passing year.

13. Johnny Depp. What a face! Cheekbones carved from stone. And any man who is that comfortable in himself and in his talent just has to be good in bed.

Whew! Sorry, but I've got to go. Doing this list has left me exhausted!


  1. Johnny Depp....nice! Great list!!

  2. a very agreeable list, well except springsteen with the body of a nautilius

  3. Oooh, Johnny Depp *le sigh* I just watched him in "Finding Neverland" the other night. He was splendid! Great list.

  4. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Well, I can't join you in loving any of these but I do admire some of them.

  5. Johnny Depp. Sigh. Have you seen Secret Window. He's got bad bed head throughout the movie, and he's still gorgeous. And Nicholas, it says a lot about you that you admire these guys. Some men would be intimidated. But you know, they can't help being sexy!


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