Friday, August 30, 2024

Saturday 9

Morning Train (1981)

1) In this song, Sheena Easton sings about her lover, who takes a train to and from work each day. When is the last time you took public transportation? Where did you go? Earlier this month I went downtown to meet Elaine for a movie and dinner. I can't believe that's the only trip I've made this month but it's true. Strange when I remember I spent the better part of my 45 year professional life commuting to work.

2) His workday begins at 9 and ends at 5. Do your days stick to a predictable schedule? Not anymore. In semi-retirement it seems I'm either busy and scheduled or quiet and lazy, nothing in between.

3) In the evening she sings that they may go to a movie, a restaurant or slow dancing ... whatever she wants. Which of those would you choose? Restaurant

4) As a little girl, Sheena Easton performed at family gatherings, not just because she was talented but because she could be a bit of a ham. When you were a kid, were more often shy or outgoing? Outgoing, but not in a performative way. Just in a noisy and fidgety way.

5) In the late 1980s she was the spokeswoman for Bally's health clubs. Do you have a gym membership? I have a membership to a yoga studio, paid for by my Medicare supplement plan. YAY!

6) In 1987 she played Sonny Crockett's love interest on Miami Vice. Were you a fan of the show? I really enjoyed the first season. I lost interest after that. Here's the thing: the 80s were my party girl days and I've never been techy. Miami Vice aired on Friday nights, I was seldom home on Friday nights, I was recording Dallas on my VCR and taping two shows on different channels was beyond my expertise.

7) This weekend is a good reason to have a picnic or barbecue. The best-selling barbecue sauce flavors are sweet, spicy, and smoky. What's your favorite? Sweet

8) Labor Day weekend may offer a golden opportunity for napping and sleeping in. Do you snore? Yes

9) Labor Day traditionally marks the beginning of the fall. Will you be adding any new fall clothes to your wardrobe? I don't think so.


August Happiness Challenge -- Day 30

Today's happiness: A text from Will.

My 2024 Happiness Icon

Will is the moderator of our movie group. Over the last decade we have slowly, very naturally become friends away from our weekly get togethers. It's not like with my fellow movie group members Joanna and Elaine, where we make dates and hang out, going to lunch and museums and the like. With Will, it's either at a group movie event or at the TCM Classic Film Festival in Hollywood or by text.

Our texts are almost exclusively about classic film. But this morning's message made me smile. It was a photo of my beloved Anthony Rizzo enjoying a night on the town watching the US Open with Yankee superstar Aaron Judge. Will, a big tennis fan, was obviously checking on last night's action, saw that pic and thought of me. Will knows I have been concerned (OK, obsessed) with Rizz' health/well being and he knew that happy snap would make me happy.

It did. Even more, I'm happy that we're getting to know one another better and that he was so thoughtful. I can't have too many friends!

Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.