Today was most likely Greg Maddux' last start at Wrigley Field. He didn't do very well. That's OK. In a way it makes it easier to say goodbye.
To look at my beloved future Hall of Famer, you'd think he was the product of an unholy union between the Pillsbury Doughboy and the little girl from those "Love Is …" comics. He not only doesn't look like a terrific athlete, he doesn't look like an athlete at all. And yet he has accumulated 350 wins, more than 3000 strike outs and a roomful of Cy Young and Gold Glove Awards. It's been a privilege to watch him pitch.
He started with the Cubs 22 years ago, when he was barely out of his teens. Today may just have been his last start where his astounding career began. It's awesome and historic and sad. I am sooooo gonna miss him!
ROOKIE CARD CONTROVERSY -- I don't judge the mustache because it was the 80s and I was wearing huge shoulderpads and legwarmers. However, I do believe it's a rather ... um ... memorable look. When I look at the rookie card, I'm put in the mindset of Corona Beer and Jimmy Buffet and the song "Pencil Thin Mustache." Cupcake sees "porn star." Of course, it's possible we're both right.