Well, I'm going rogue here. I'm going to list 15 pieces of information and recommend seven. (Yes, call me "maverick.")
1) Whenever I hear Van Morrison sing, I wish I was in love.
2) I like the color yellow very much, but I can't wear it because it does hideous things to my complexion.
3) "Yellow" is "amarillo" in Spanish. I'm still working on learning Spanish, even though it's not really much fun. I like thinking that it's something I'll be glad I know, even if the learning part has been muy difícil.
4) On June 1, I celebrated my (gulp) 30th anniversary as a professional writer. I still enjoy crafting copy, so I consider myself very lucky.
5) My cat Joey, a shelter rescue, is approximately 13 years old. Perhaps older. I hate this fact. Every morning, shortly after I open my eyes, I call out to him because I'm afraid he's gotten sick overnight. You see, he's the kind of good, sweet boy who keeps his problems to himself. I worry that he won't let me know if he's not feeling well.
6) Sometimes I look at my mom and feel rather the same way. When I realize how frail she's become as she approaches 80, I get a little scared and even a little angry because I don't want her to get sick and die.
7) I don't remember my first kiss and I feel very bad about that.
8) I have been getting headaches more often in the evening as I wean myself off Lexapro. This is to be expected.
9) I just found out my FICO score is well over 700, so I guess I shouldn't worry as much about money as I do. But I feel like my new, commonsense approach to finances helped me avoid a fiscal disaster.
10) I believe in God and Heaven. It gives me so much comfort that I feel bad for people who don't have similar faith.
11) My shrink tells me that I get so frustrated with my oldest friend because she's not more like me. There's a lot to that. I see so much potential in my friend, and yet, at every turn, she makes the wrong choice. If she was more like me I'd understand her better, for sure, but she'd also be less troubled.
12) My cat Reynaldo really is a badly behaved beast. He's affectionate, sweet and gentle, but he is soooo destructive, and I have given up trying to stop him. We'll just be slobs together. But when I got home yesterday and found that he had torn down not only my drapes but the entire assembly, leaving three holes in the dry wall, I wondered what fate would have befallen him if he'd been adopted by someone else. I think that's why God put him in my life.
13) My rabid hatred of Kathie Lee Gifford has cooled to mere annoyance. Now I want to scream whenever I see Whoopi Goldberg. Madonna still makes my skin crawl. I have no real explanation for this.
14) It amazes me to recall that, when I first met my best friend I could not get his name right. In my head I referred to him as, "The Guy with Glasses."
15) This year, Father's Day will be a sad one for me, as it's the first one without my godfather, my uncle, who died last November.
These seven bloggers share there lives with us with generosity and grace.
These seven bloggers share there lives with us with generosity and grace.
Book Mama. She loves books, hubby Tim, and her three fabulous blond urchins. But since she's gone back to work she doesn't post enough! So here's a nudge.
Jenny McB. She's baaaack! After a vacation from blogging, she's got some new posts and I want to catch up on her life.
Kwizgiver. We share a love of books and pedicures, and she's about to start posting about her summer break.
Snarkypants. She's on the verge of some exciting changes in her life, and it's neat to follow her chronicles.
Silver Neurotic. She's getting married! C'mon now, who doesn't love a love story? Go over there and follow hers.
Mimi Writes. Oh, yes, she does. But she also takes great photos. Check her out.
Vivian. She has a ginormous heart, uncommon commonsense, and a great visual sense. If that's not reason enough to love her blog, she also has an imaginary cat.