SHH! I'm really more sincerely a supporter of Team Aniston than I am the Bears.
It started during the season of
Friends that began with her meeting Ross' plane with a bouquet of flowers, ready to tell him she loved him, and saw he was clearly involved with another girl. That year she was sad and fierce and proud and very, very funny. Part of the poignancy of it came from the idea that this beautiful girl could get any guy but the one she wanted.
Then there was the split with Brad. After it was announced, she was always flanked by Courtney Cox or Matthew Perry. You have to like a girl whose buds stand by her (even after the show is over and they no longer have to). And of course, how can you not feel sorry for a woman who lost her man to a vixen?
Now I'm reading about how insecure she is. Look at her! What could that woman feel she needs to improve? Yet according to US, she just had a nose job. And there are story after story about her new found passion for yoga as a way to stay in shape and her efforts (either successful or not, depending on which mag you pick up) to quit cigarettes.
I guess I'm a fan of Jennifer Aniston because it makes me feel better to know that heartbreak is a terrific equalizer … that whether we deal with it in the privacy of our own social circle or on full display in front of tabloid photographers, it throws us all for a loop. We all are riddled with self-doubt as we slowly recover. Even if we look like her.