And so, while myriad things are disturbing me right now, I'm going to catalog pretty little ponies instead.
1) I don't have to travel downstate next week. I enjoy presenting to the client, and I don't really mind riding the rails to go down there to see them. But the weather is really changeable this time of year, and all my nice slacks (aka not denim) are heavier weight. I'd either have to bet on a cool day or wear my crappy gray polyester-elastic-waistband-I've-given-up-on-my-appearance pants. Or buy a new pair of slacks, launder them, and hem them in time. All of which distracts me from the work, which is what I should be thinking about. So I'm glad that Monday's presentation is a conference call. (I haven't refunded my Tuesday train ticket, just in case.)

Well, I finally decided that I can't stand living with a towel stuck in wall and behaved like a grown up. I got three estimates, hired a contractor, and on Monday they're going to come in, patch the hole with drywall and paint the wall. And I'm paying the contractor not out of my household emergency fund -- because let's face it, it's been more than three years so I can hardly call it an "emergency," not even to myself -- but with money I've been socking away. Any funds left over will go to a new mattress and box spring.
I would have preferred to use this money for a trip. And it's tempting to use it for a trip. But this is smart. I like being smart. And I'm proud of myself and my focus and restraint.
3) The Cubs won two in a row. What a skid my guys have been on! Right now we're barely a .500 ball club (8-7). Oh well, it's still April. And we did win two in a row. And Jason Heyward seems to have found his groove, so I'm happy.
I wish I wasn't still enveloped in this feeling of dread. But I'm trying to remain upbeat by accentuating the positive, and patting each of these three ponies on the nose.