Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Clean Me for Tuesday

Every day I am going to do something -- no matter how small -- to improve my standard of living at home.

I moved 16 magazines, two catalogs and an expired bus schedule from my bedroom floor to the paper recycling bag in my kitchen. I also disposed of a green water bottle I bought when Reynaldo was still a kitten. If it did nothing to deter his bad behavior in 2004, I think I should give up the ghost and admit Rey is Rey and nothing I will have any impact on that. (Psst! Don't tell Rey this, but I'm not really sure I want to change him anymore, anyway. I have grown to find our battles of wits/will rather endearing.)

1 comment:

  1. Great! Every time you post, you inspire me. Even though I haven't done anything about it yet.


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