Friday, August 17, 2012

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 17

Today's Happiness: Bliss! The office closes early on Fridays in summer and this was one of the most peaceful afternoons I've enjoyed all season. Stopped at my favorite deli on the way home from the train and picked up my favorite salad -- cold shrimp, cubed ham and hardboiled eggs on a thick bed of crunchy lettuce. Then I parked myself in front of the TV for Katharine Hepburn Day on TCM's Summer Under the Stars. The Great Kate has always been one of my favorites, too!

I'm reminded by how much happier I am today than I was two Fridays ago. It's very important to remember that those dark moods pass and the happy ones take their place.

Hi! I'm an idiot!

I couldn't figure out why my check from the 15th looked like it would stretch on and on and on indefinitely. That's because I forgot to subtract for my spending money for the next two weeks. Uh-oh! Gotta undo that deposit into my savings account that made me so happy. What was I thinking?


This weekend's challenge: give us a 33-word closing line to your book.

Twenty months will grind inexorably by until it brings us to the next shared moment in our sad saga – and when Sam is released from prison, I’ll be there, waiting at the gate.