Friday, February 03, 2012

It must be nice to a Beatle

Today at lunch I walked past a street musician who was playing "Here Comes the Sun" on the guitar. Two Asian businessmen in front of me were speaking animatedly in their native tongue until they picked up on the song. Then one said, in heavily accented English, "Here Comes the Sun." Together they sang a bit, "Little darling, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter ..." It was a lovely moment.

How satisfying it must be for Paul and Ringo to know how much joy they have brought generations, all around the world.

Yes, I know it's a George song, but I bet to these gentlemen it was simply, "The Beatles."

I read the news today, oh boy

My ex, the really bad one, is front page news. He was mentioned prominently and favorably in a feature story on the front page of a national newspaper. Happy to see that he can still be superficially charming when it suits him.

I hate how much space he still takes up in my life. Must battle to let this go. Feeling this way does no good.