1. What's the best new website you've found?eBags. I love it! It's easy to navigate and the merchandise changes often and there's always something terrific available at a great price.
2. What's the best movie you've seen?My all-time favorite movie changes from time to time. Right now, I'd answer
Bonnie & Clyde. I appreciate the subtext about how we have a hard time separating fame from infamy. I love how instantly, unpredictably it veers from comedy to tragedy -- because often that's how life is. 40 years after its release, it's easy to see the influence it's had on other movies (esp.
The Godfather). And I looove the clothes.
3. What's the best quote you know?"What man has done, man can do."
4. What's the best book you've read?JFK: Reckless Youth by Nigel Hamilton. It's my favorite biography of my favorite President, and it centers it on his early years. It reminds me that no matter how terrific a life looks from the outside, you have no idea how it feels on the inside.
5. What's the best thing someone's done for you?I'm fortunate to have a lot of great and helpful people in my life, but this is the first example that pops into head. I really love my cat, Joey. He's such an open, loving soul and being around him lifts my spirits. My friend's little boy (now he's a high school senior!) accompanied me to the animal shelter and he's the one who zeroed in on Joe.
6. What's the best thing about your job?The benefits! If I end up getting laid off, I will really miss the very affordable, high-quality health and dental insurance.
7. What’s the best CD you own?The Beatles' White Album. We can quibble about whether there are
better CDs out there, but this is the most varied and has some truly exquisite moments.
8. What’s the best new TV show you watch?Mad Men. I have such a crush on Don Draper. As one who works in advertising, I'm often surprised by how well they nail the world I work in.
9. What’s the best car you’ve owned?This is easy because I've only ever owned one: An ancient Chevy Impala. To be honest, it was a rusty piece of shit. But it was also the best car I've owned.
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