Sunday, July 21, 2024

Isn't it rich?

MAGA hypocrisy is not new, but it is getting intolerably thick. This meme is floating around social media and the people who are sanctimoniously sharing it are the same ones who supported Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. when they made fun of Paul Pelosi being assaulted in a home invasion.

If you ascribe to a man of 80+ having his skull cracked with a hammer being funny but you believe the above, then you better check your own heart. Your belief in the Golden Rule may not be as strong as you think.

BTW, I'm a passionate Kennedy Girl and an outspoken gun control advocate. A joke about a shooting would never pass my lips, and no one would fucking dare make an assassination joke in my presence. I've cried too many tears over the years for that. But that's hardly the point. The deplorables showed how deplorable they were after the Pelosi attack, and I'm not buying their brand of piety now.

Shame on them.