Sunday, August 22, 2010

August Happiness Challenge 2010 -- Day 22

The boys. Reynaldo and Joey have become best buds. It amuses me that they play, roughhouse and nap together, because they seem oblivious to the disparity in their sizes. Joe is so happy to have his best friend nearby that he's making curly paws.

So far, this is my "happiness moment"

This makes me laugh, even though the Blago was photographed in the Batmobile at Comic.con yesterday. Watch for the Cubs logo. It's even known in Taiwan!

Farewell, Sweet Lou!

With the announcement that Lou is leaving the Cubs forever after today's game, I will treasure having seen him one last time -- live and in person -- last Thursday even more.

My favorite skipper since Leo back in the 1960s.

Like the song says: "You may have been a headache, but you never were a bore.
I'm awfully glad I met you. And thank you, so much."

My scale once said this

It may never say this again, but I am posting it as a reminder -- What [wo]man has done, [wo]man can do.