When was the last time you ...
rolled your eyes? Probably this morning. I had a meeting this morning and one of my coworkers always inspires eye rolling on my part.
tied your shoe? In the locker room. I wear tennies when I work out.
reorganized your bedroom? So long ago I can't recall.
took a walk in the park? Easter weekend. And shame on me, because I both live and work near some beautiful parks.
chewed gum? Mid-March. I remember because I was on-site, visiting my client, and was worried about my breath.
drew a stick person? So long ago I can't recall.
activated something? A new credit card early last month.
took a photograph? So long ago I can't recall.
drank a milkshake? May 8, right after I had dental work done because my dentist recommended it and I was so stoned I just blindly followed her orders.
ate orange jello? February, 2009, right before my colonoscopy. Shudder. I shall never eat orange jello again!
google mapped an address? Last Thursday.
sang your favorite song? My favorite song changes with the wind. However, I was able to sing my favorite Diana Ross song ("The Boss") with Miss Ross herself last Thursday night.
made a peace globe? (Please show us!) November 4, 2009. I only wish it wasn't still relevant.
threw a baseball? So long ago I can't recall.
fumbled with a button? Button? I'm not so sure. But last Friday I did fear I was being held captive by the clasp on my necklace.
answered the doorbell? Last week when the grocery delivery service arrived.
spilled your drink? Over the weekend. This is not a rare occurence. My poor, poor carpet.
administered CPR? Never.
looked in the mirror? Last time I washed my hands. There’s a mirror over the sink.
testified in court? Never. I’ve been a juror, but never a witness.
made a sarcastic remark? Moi? Never!
offered someone advice? 4:30 today. My oldest friend is wrestling with some big decisions.
watched a sunrise or sunset? Sunday.
were jealous? Every damn day.
smiled when you didn’t feel like smiling? When dealing with people I know only superficially, like just now in the hallway here at work.
loved when you didn't feel like loving? Never.
ironed an article of clothing? I don’t remember when, but I do recall what. It was slacks. Is this really interesting to anyone, my Queen?
noticed you didn't give a damn? I care too much about too many things. I was even upset to hear about Al and Tipper.
had a mammogram? July
read your horoscope? This morning. I’m a Sagittarius. ”Remember, your attitude is more crucial than your actual choice, so don't diminish your power by feeding fantasies of self-doubt.”
moped? After lunch. Someone had the temerity to point out that my work isn’t perfect!
held someone’s hand? Don’t remember.
crossed a bridge? When I came to it. Tee hee.
threw away a candy wrapper? Monday night. Mournfully.
sat on a bench? While waiting for the train.
turned a page? While reading Girls Like Us as I pedaled the exercise bike.
tripped over your own 2 feet? That’s quite a regular occurrence.
dialed the wrong number? I don’t recall, but last week I did give my brother-in-law the wrong number. Does that count?
ignored a phone call? Whenever LifeSource calls. I just gave blood on 5/20. Leave me alone for awhile, you vampires!
kissed a bride? Never.
tweeted? Yesterday, as I alternated between the NCIS marathon on the USA Network and the Cubs game.
rode a roller coaster? Too long! I love roller coasters.
you were really you? When I was enjoying alone time over the long holiday weekend.
cried yourself to sleep? I’m not much of a crier.
were speechless? Ha!
rode a bus? Friday.
went to a funeral? January, 2007, when my uncle’s icky wife died. (Sorry, but death doesn’t make her more noble, it just makes her dead.)
were right? Around 11:00 today during an internal presentation at work.
smoked? Never.
were left? Sorry, I’m strictly, prohibitively right.
googled? This morning.
bent over? While taking off my tennis shoes, way back in question #2.
sent a text message? Saturday. It was to my niece. She’s the only one I text on a regular basis.
Lit a candle? Can’t recall.
Lost your temper? Haven’t really lost my temper in a while. I have gotten pissy a couple times today.
fell off a horse? Never.
changed the oil in your car? Never.
added a new FACEBOOK friend? Ages upon ages ago.
went bowling? Some time in 2009.
laughed uncontrollably? Friday night, while watching Valley of the Dolls with my oldest friend.
felt guilty? Hmmm … can’t think of anything recent.
looked up a word in the dictionary? Last week. It was the correct spelling of “raison d’etre.”
returned from the point of no return? When I sobered up Friday morning.
couldn't remember your name? Never. I know, as sure as I’m standing here solidly on my own two hands, that my name is Mrs. Leroy Jethro Gibbs.
surrendered to temptation? Monday night, and the aforementioned candy wrapper.
felt genuinely happy? I try every day.
saw a famous person? The aforementioned Miss Diana Ross.
kissed in a car? Too long! I love kissing in cars.
sent a greeting card? Last week – a graduation card for a friend’s daughter.
used your passport? Not since the Carter Administration.
yelled at your television? During the Cubs game Monday.
confided a secret? Nothing springs to mind …
changed your blog template? Last year sometime.
danced like no one was watching? Thursday night with Miss Ross. Since everyone was watching her, I’m confident no one was watching me.
wrote in cursive? About an hour ago.
took a driving test? About 25 years ago.
backed up your computer files? I’m supposed to?
when was the last time you said this was the last time? I’m tempted to make a smart ass remark about ever completing another Queen’s Meme, but I fear the dungeon.
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