Friday, May 10, 2024

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: (God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time on You (1998)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Probably worth less than $50
1) In this song, a boy celebrates the life of love he's received from his mother, saying it's more precious than any diamond or pearl. Do you have a piece of jewelry that means a great deal to you? Yes, but it's not worth anything to anyone but me. It's a chain with a replica coin, made from silver recovered from the Atocha, a ship that went down off Key West back in 1622. My favorite uncle loved to collect coins and completely nerded out over the ones brought up from the deep in the 1980s. After he died, my friend Henry took me to a Key West gift shop that specializes in Atocha souvenirs and I always wore this in his honor. Now Henry is virtually gone to me, too, so I think of both men whenever I put it on.

2) NSYNC licensed their name and likenesses for use on a variety of products, and their official key ring was a big seller. Tell us about your key ring. It's just a ring, no decoration, that holds my three house keys and the key to my mailbox.

3) NSYNC's lead singer, Justin Timberlake, is now a parent himself with two sons. He enjoys sitting on the floor so they can play Legos together. Today Lego sets for adults and adult coloring books are popular. As a grown up, do you enjoy coloring books or Legos? Nope.
4) In 1998, when this song was popular, Seinfeld ended its 9-season run. Were you a fan? Blech! Ick! Poo! NO! I genuinely hate that show.
5) This week's song was chosen in honor of Mother's Day. Some mothers will find themselves treated to breakfast in bed this weekend. Is that a luxury you would appreciate, or would you worry about spilling food on the sheets? I'd most certainly make a mess of it. Here's my room service breakfast from my trip to Hollywood last month. They offered to serve it to me in bed but I preferred it by the window, so I could look out at the TCL Chinese Theater. That's not only where many of the films were shown for the TCM Classic Film Festival, it's the theater that has the movie stars' hand/footprints in the forecourt. Remember when Lucy and Ethel stole John Wayne's footprints? (Forget Seinfeld. I Love Lucy is a funny show!)

6) Garrett's Popcorn offers a special tin for Mother's Day (the "O" in MOM is a daisy). When did you most recently have popcorn? I don't even recall. I worry about what those husks would do to my ongoing dental work.
7) Florists see a spike in sales for Mother's Day, too. Would you rather receive a plant or a bouquet of flowers? A bouquet. Definitely.

8) Crazy Sam's own mother is big on couponing, while Sam thinks coupons simply aren't worth the effort. Are you more like mother or daughter? When a store like Walgreen's gives me a coupon, I always return to redeem it. But I don't look for them or clip them.

9) Sam is celebrating Mother's Day with her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or chocolate with almonds? Chocolate with almonds.