Cheers to all of us thieves!
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? False
Q: Been arrested? False
Q: Held a snake? False
Q: Been suspended from school? True
Q: Sang karaoke? True (badly)
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? True
Q: Laughed until you started crying? True
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? False (though I have tried)
Q: Kissed in the rain? False
Q: Sang in the shower? True
Q: Sat on a roof top? True
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? True
Q: Broken a bone? True
Q: Shaved your head? False
Q: Played a prank on someone? True
Q: Shot a gun? True
Q: Donated Blood? True
1. You hung out with? My niece
2. You texted? My niece
3. You were in a car with? My niece
4. Went to the movies with? Hmmm ... I don't recall
5. Person you went to shop with? A coworker
6. You talked on the phone? My mom
7. Made you laugh? My mom
8. You hugged? My niece
1. Sang? Yes
2. Listened to music? Yes
3. Danced Crazy? No
4. Cried? No
FIRSTS .....
1.Who was your first prom (or homecoming) date? Didn't go
2. Who was your first roommate? Never had one
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time? Boone's Farm
4. What was your first job? Administrative Assistant
5. What was your first car? Ford Impala
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? When I was in grade school. Our neighbor, Bill, died
7. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Kroch
8. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Fort Lauderdale, FL
9. When you snuck out of your house for the first time? I ran away from home when I was in first grade. I got to the corner and came back.
10. Who was your first best friend? My oldest friend
11. Who was your first Best Friend in high school? Judy
12. Where was your first sleepover? I don't recall
13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? My best friend or my my oldest friend
14. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman? Mindy's
15. What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning? Peed
16. First time you tied your shoe laces? First grade
17. Are you Facebook friends with your first crush? No. Michael Landon is dead
18. Who was the first person you met from the blogosphere? I haven't met anyone from the blogosphere yet
19. What was the first music album that you bought? The Lads from Liverpool, of course!
20. Who was your first celebrity crush? Michael "Little Joe" Landon
Special Note from Sunday Stealing Meme-master Bud: Today, please click on the Team Jeffie website. Just say “hi” and wish him well. We're hoping that those of you with the time could also help our new friends Amy and Jeffie. Let them know they've got new friends that care. We hope we've been kind. God bless them. God bless you, our friends! Bud Weiser