Do you participate in any regular weekly memes? Which ones? Thursday Thirteen, Tuesday Tunes, Sunday Stealing, Saturday 9 ...
Have you found any bloggers that you began to read regularly after participating in a meme with them? Yes. That's how I've found most of my regulars, or how they have found me.
Do you know of any readers who found you through a meme and became regular readers? See above. (I guess this proves that I don't read these before I start answering.)
Did you find any favorite blogs through comments or blogrolls on others’ blogs? No.
Did you find any favorite blogs from someone else’s recommendation? No.
If you comment on someone’s blog, do you expect a response? If so, do you prefer that response to come through an e-mail, a comment from them on the same post, or a a comment on your blog? While I enjoy them, I don't expect a response. People are busy!
Do you ever struggle with your blogging “voice”? No. I'm a writer by trade and am sometimes more comfortable at the keyboard than away from it.
Are there certain types of blogs that attract you? I love finding I share insights, interests, opinions, etc., with people whose lives don't necessarily resemble mine. I guess ultimately more does unite us than divides us.
Are there certain types of blogs that repel you? Racial/ethnic "humor." Hate talk. And nothing is worse than hate talk disguised as Christianity. (I take my faith seriously, and my Lord is about love.)
What time of day do you usually blog? When I'm bored at work or can't sleep.
Do your family and friends know about your blog? Do they read it? Do they mind if you mention them? Do they suggest posts for it? I try to keep this blog a secret. It began as a journal, and personal journals lose their impact and effectiveness if I pull my punches. But I don't want to hurt anyone, either. So SHHHH!
To play along yourself, or compare your answers to other bloggers', click here.