Today's sermon was about mixing diverse ingredients to make a tastier holiday season -- you know, the benefits of being inclusive this time of year. (Or, maybe include the Maccabbees in our thoughts, along with the Wise Men.) I found myself sitting with my neighbor Jen, who is moving to Colorado right after Christmas. She was feeling wistful about sitting in these pews for nearly the last time.
I dropped the play sets off at the sporting goods store, which has a Toys for Tots collection box in the window. I nearly bought myself an ugly Cubs Christmas sweater because, well, I don't have one and I want one. But it was $69. Maybe after I'll find it on sale at an after Christmas sale.
On the way home, I stopped at the little pizza parlor and grabbed a slice to go.
I realized anew how happy I am living here. I feel sorry for people like my oldest friend, who has lived in Beverly Hills for 7 years now and still hasn't put down roots. I belong where I'm at.