Friday, March 15, 2024

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Charlie Mops (2007)

Not familiar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1. This week's song is about a legend, Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer. Tell us about something you enjoy so much you could sing about it with the same enthusiasm the Salt Sea Pirates sing of beer. The Cubs. And I do sing about them. Here's our anthem, as performed by World Series Champions Anthony Rizzo, David Ross, Dexter Fowler, and Cubs super fan Bill Murray.

2.  The lyrics tell us beer goes well with breakfast, dinner and snacks. Think about what you dined on yesterday. What beverages did you have with your breakfast, your dinner, and your between-meal snack? Friday I had milk with breakfast, Dr. Pepper with lunch, and water with my snack.

3. "Charlie Mops" was chosen because it's an Irish drinking song and Sunday is St. Patrick's Day. Do you expect to raise a glass in honor of the day? I don't think so. I'm spending Sunday with my friend Nancy, who invited me to her temple to watch a Purim play. I've never done anything like this before and I'm enthusiastic about it, but it doesn't have anything to do with St. Patrick's Day.

4. Beer is not the only beverage often dyed green for St. Patrick's Day. In 1970, McDonald's introduced the Shamrock Shake, a milkshake made with a minty green syrup. If we were to go out for shakes right now, what flavor would you order? Strawberry, please.

5. Legend has it that wearing green makes you invisible to leprechauns, who can be mischievous pranksters. Is there anyone you would like to avoid today? All my neighbors. Here's what I've learned from being on the condo board: the more I see my neighbors, the less I like them.

6. For all our talk of green, it was not the original color of St. Patrick's Day. Through most of the 18th century, blue was worn across England and Ireland to honor St. Patrick. The Irish switched to green to express their independence from the English. Which color do wear more often: blue or green? I wear blue all the time. I'm wearing blue now.

7. Today St. Patrick's Day is observed all over the world. In Tokyo, it's not a single day but a weekend celebration. When you think of Japan, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Mitsubishi cars.

8. One of the biggest parades each year in Buenos Aires is for St. Patrick's Day. Have you ever participated in a parade? Yes. In my hometown I marched in the July 4th parade with my Girl Scout Troop. It was fun.

9. Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, GA, crowns a Miss St. Patrick's Day. Tell us about an event you recall from your college days. My college career was so limited -- I'm a community college dropout -- so I don't have an answer for this.

Three Nice Things about Myself -- Day 15


My blogging buddy, Kwizgiver, wrote a post that really resonated with me. She detailed how self-care helped her helped her prevail during a (ridiculously) tough month. Her tips were very wise and so doable! So she has inspired me to take one and integrate it into my own life.

Since I can be a pretty harsh self-critic, this is the one I chose. I hope I can do this every day during March. By then it should be a habit, right?

Three nice things about myself -- March 15:

1) Two out of three ain't bad. I had three things on my "to-do" list: 1) mail Patrick's birthday gift; 2) change my dermatologist appointment; 3) write up the meeting minutes from our last condo meeting. I knocked out 1) and 2). So I didn't get to the third! I'm trying to celebrate what I've done, not beat myself up over what I didn't do.

2) I listened to my gut. I know there's a connection between hydration and gastrointestinal health. When my gut started feeling wonky, I reached for the water pitcher. I'll also do another round of stretches. This is literally self-care.

3) Two out of three ain't bad -- redux. I don't have a third today. But the point of this exercise is to be nice to myself, not critical, so I'll just leave this here.