Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm singing "Go, Cubs, Go!"

What a fun game! Dempster won his 10th. D Lee's bat is on fire. Sam Fuld is our future outfield superstar. Vince Vaughn sang the stretch and was amusing in the booth. I am happy.

September Fitness Challenge

Day 14. Fitness Failure. All I have done today is take a shower and put on makeup. While I'm very alert brain-wise, I am weary and lack the energy to move much. Wish I could give myself credit for at least one healthy habit, but alas, I cannot.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I'm almost done putting together a pair of Christmas packages for a pair of soldiers. I'm doing this on behalf of my uncle, a Viet Nam vet. Since he knows firsthand how lonely Christmas in the jungle can be, I thought he'd appreciate making two troops' lives a little better as they celebrate Christmas away from home and in the desert.

From I just ordered:

Zinc oxide cream (SPF 45)
Toenail clippers
Hand sanitizer
Shave cream

I'm combining that with what I've already purchased:

Powdered drink mixes (lemonade and sweet tea)
Granola bars
Individual serving breakfast cereals (Sugar Pops and Apple Jacks -- how can they not brighten your day?)
Comfort Twin razors
Q tips
Body wash
Baby wipes
Playing cards
Mystery novels (someone gets Janet Evanovich, somebody else gets Agatha Christie)

When you think of it, this really isn't very much to give someone who volunteered to take a bullet for you, is it? Judging by this photo of WWII soldiers sharing similar gifts from home, I guess it's always been this way.

I hope to have this whole project done and in the mail by mid October. Operation Shoebox needs donations by early November so they can put together the gift shoeboxes and get them to the soldiers in time for the holidays. I am putting the organization's "thank you" note into my uncle's Christmas card.

If you would like to spend these last sunny days of autumn getting a headstart on Christmas, click here to found out what Operation Shoebox needs to go into their holiday packages for the troops.

Movie Monday

ON LOCATION -- Share movies set in your part of the world and then link back here at The Bumbles.

The Break Up. Vaughniston's sad valentine to love gone wrong. Since they meet at Wrigley Field, and he's a tour guide, there are many great shots of Chicago, the best city in the world.

The Blues Brothers. The quintessential Chicago movie, starring our gone-but-not-forgotten most-favorite favorite son, John Belushi.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If Belushi is our favorite son, then John Hughes is our cinematic poet laureate. This movie perfectly captures the greatest temptation of my boring suburban high school years -- sit through another boring day at school or have an adventure in that nearby and so glorious city on the Lake?

My Best Friend's Wedding. Union Station and The Chicago River look so lovely (remember when they dance to "The Way You Look Tonight?). Plus, a friend of mine is an extra and you can see her very clearly in the scene where Julia Roberts catches the bouquet.

Back Draft. Maybe it's not a great movie, but much of it was filmed in the office building on Wells Street where I worked at the time. I stole chips from the caterer. I felt entitled since our building only had two elevators, and we were inconvenienced because "Mr. De Niro" refused to ride with any of us and commandeered one, so I either had to wait for the other elevator or take the stairs. (Fortunately it wasn't a high rise.)

Worn down, worn out

I'm soooo tired today! Had a nasty bout of indigestion last night and this morning I am weak. Took a shower, needed a nap. Makes me wonder if yesterday's nap wasn't sloth, after all. It's almost 11:00 and I'm eating a warm bowl of oatmeal. I feel that if I never have to move from this spot, I could be a happy woman.

Left a long, rambling message for my boss, updating him on the one project that may need tying up today. I handled my portion, now all he has to do is approve it or add to it. Or, if the account exec was able to get us more time, just pass it back to me. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.