Would you rather....
1. Live on a boat or in a treehouse? Boat
2. No computer use for a year or no sweets for a year? Sweets
3. Have $2,000 right now or be given $100 every month for the rest of your life? $100/month
4. Be an astronaut or an athlete? Athlete
5. Have 50 good friends or only one best friend? 50 good friends
6. Have bright blue teeth or bright blue hair? Bright blue hair
7. Have the power of flight or the power of invisibility? Power of flight
8. Have a fun friend who is snarky or a boring friend who is kind? Boring and kind
9. Be incredibly rich but without love or be poor but have a happy marriage? Poor but happy
10. Have a freezing cold shower every day or a pleasant hot shower once a week? This is the only hard one! Cold daily shower.
11. Be an only child or have many siblings? Many siblings
12. Quit video games forever or live in a desert for a month? Quit video games
13. Go on a one week trip to a foreign country of your choice or a month long trip in your own country? Month long vacation in New York City
14. Celebrate your birthday every day or go on your favorite holiday once a year? Once a year
15. If fish could talk, what would you ask them? "Do you ever hurt?" They have such tiny brains, I wonder if they process and feel pain.