All about my niece. I had dinner with her on Sunday to celebrate her upcoming 18th birthday. I had a great time and am taking this opportunity to reflect.
1) She has begun tweezing/shaping her eyebrows, which makes her feel very mature.
2) She has three colleges picked out. Her top two preferences are out of state.
3) She is very funny. She not only makes me laugh, she laughs easily herself.
4) She has a crush on John Krasinski of
The Office. This embarrasses her. I mean, she actually blushes when it comes up. This confuses me, as I've always flown my "fan girl" banner high.
5) She is a movie buff. Her favorite film maker is Tim Burton.
6) She seems to have two speeds -- "insanely busy" and "slug."
7) She is very close to, and loving with, my mother.
8) She's loyal, having the same bestie, Alison, since second grade.
9) They could not be more different, as illustrated by an assignment they had in 8th grade. To enhance their public speaking skills, each student had to pick a news story and deliver a 5 minute talk, summarizing the story and explaining its impact. My niece chose
Rolling Stone's allegations of massive voter fraud in Ohio during the 2004 Presidential election. Alison chose Britney Spears driving with her baby facing the wrong way in his car seat.
10) Her favorite Beatle is George -- because of, not in spite of, all that Indian music he did. Go figure.