Monday, December 16, 2019

A tourist in my own town

After my doctor's appointment, I went to Macy's. On State Street. At Christmastime. Just like every tourist who comes to Chicago in December.

Because I'm on vacation, I had time to enjoy it. And I did. I really noticed the decorations. I had fun checking out the windows, and snapping photos of a family who had traveled from downstate, just to see them.

Oh yeah, and I bought three pair of blue socks and a tiny box of Frango mints.

Christmas! I'm feeling it!

When Barack met Michelle

I walk past this building every time I go to the chiropractor. It's the home of the Sidley Austin law firm.

In 1989, lawyer Michelle Robinson met a promising summer intern named Barack Obama. Here.

When I go to Springfield, I see a plaque on the site of Globe Tavern, where Abe Lincoln and Mary spent their honeymoon.

In Georgetown, Martin's Tavern has a plaque where JFK proposed to Jackie.

I wonder if, someday, this building won't be recognized for its historic significance.

Right here. In my town. How cool is that!

Floaters and flashes

For about a week now, I've been kept company by a spider web floater on my right eye. At night, when I look unavoidably look into car headlights, I see flashes in the periphery of the same eye.

I have looked around on the internet and have discovered it's either nothing or really serious.

Naturally, I'd prefer it to be nothing.

After January 1, if I'm still seeing them, I'll go to the eye doctor. This is, after all, why I have insurance.

Before I go, I'll check this blog so I'll have something accurate to say when she asks, "How long have you seen these floaters and flashes?" This is one of the benefits of blogging!