13 Great SNL Castmembers. Sometimes I love the whole show, sometimes I'm just killing time until Weekend Update comes on. Some casts I barely remember because my Saturday social life took precedence.
But none of that diminishes what Saturday Night Live has accomplished. I'll never sniff at the the talent and dedication that goes into putting 90 minutes of topical comedy, performed live, on air, week after week. And I understand it's like popular music in that every generation thinks theirs was best. While my funniest-ever was Gilda, a younger generation would insist it's Kristen Wiig.
So I let Cory Woodroof, an entertainment writer at USA Today, rank the top 13 SNL castmembers.
13. Tina Fey.
12. Bill Murray.
11. Adam Sandler.
10. Kate McKinnon.
9. Dana Carvey.
8. Kristin Wiig.
7. Maya Rudolph.
6. Chris Farley.
5. Kenan Thompson.
4. Will Farrell.
3. Gilda Radner.
2. John Belushi.
1. Eddie Murphy.
PS My list would include Dennis Miller, Norm MacDonald and Colin Jost. I love Weekend Update!
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