Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Thank you for hearing my voice

I don't often respond to comments on this blog, but that doesn't mean I don't see what you've said. Or that I haven't taken it to heart.

Deb J, Stacy, Country Dew and Bev ....


  1. I love your blog. Your posts are interesting and honest. They are always worth my reading time and make me think. Thank you!

  2. I don't comment on comments, either. I wonder if I should start?

  3. I appreciate your honesty in your blog posts. I am envious that you can write that honestly; I know I hold back because people in my family have found my blog. I comment on my comments occasionally, but I know most people don't see the responses. I do hear you and can often relate. Different circumstances, different ages, different worlds, but we're still (strong) women, and women should stick together and hold one another up. Hang in there.


Please note: If you have a WordPress blog, I can't return the favor and comment on your post unless you change your settings. WordPress hates me these days.