Friday, August 09, 2024

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Annie's Song (1974)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) 50 years ago this month, we were all listening to John Denver rhapsodize about nature. He singles out walking in the rain as a particularly lovely experience. Do you enjoy walking in the rain? Not especially.

2) Denver wrote this song on a ski lift in Aspen. He clearly relished the ride, but ski lifts are problematic for those who suffer from acrophobia, or a fear of heights. Acrophobia plagues approximately 5% of Americans. Are you one of them? Nope.

3) John Denver recalled that this song just came to him as he looked down on the beauty of nature. Can you recall a time when something you saw in nature touched your heart? I fell in love with Hot Springs, AR. The water comes out of the ground at about 140ยบ so there's always steam rising from it. Everything around the springs seems lush and green. The water is rich in minerals and it's a delight to visit one of the spas and bathe in it. I'd like to return some day.


4) Wildly successful here in The States, John Denver's popularity didn't extend to the United Kingdom. In fact, "Annie's Song" was his only major hit. But it was a big one. Denver's version reached #1 in 1974 and then in 1978 James Galway hit #1 on the UK charts with an instrumental version. Do you have a favorite instrumental recording? I love "Seasons of Love," the theme from Peyton Place. I'm sure it contributes to my enduring affection for the 1960s TV show and the film from the 1950s.

5) John Denver's first-ever guitar, a gift from his grandmother, was displayed at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix. Have you visited a museum yet this summer? If not, do you have plans to? My friend Elaine and I are talking about visiting the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit at The Art Institute. It closes in mid-September, so we better just do it already.

6) In addition to the guitar, Denver also played the violin (or "the fiddle," as he called it). If a genie appeared to magically enable you to play the instrument of your choice, which would you choose? Piano. There's a scene in A Hard Day's Night where Paul McCartney sits down at a hotel piano and just starts playing. I always thought it would be so cool to be able to do that.

Let's look at the summer of 1974.

7) Elizabeth Berkeley was born. She's best known as Jesse on the Saturday morning teen sitcom, Saved by the Bell. What Saturday morning TV shows do you remember fondly? "He's the boss, he's a pip, he's the championship, he's the most tip top TOP CAT!" 


8) Hall of Fame pitcher and Cardinal great Dizzy Dean died. How is your baseball team doing this summer? Oh hell, I don't know. The Cubs aren't even playing .500 ball, and yet because our entire division kinda sucks, we aren't out of contention for the playoffs. Post-season baseball would be nice, but I'm not counting on it.

9) The biggest summer movie was The Longest Yard starring Burt Reynolds. What's your favorite Burt Reynolds movie? Smokey and the Bandit.


  1. Top cat! I remember him!

    Sorry about your Cubbies. Long-suffering Mets fan here. We’re vying for a playoff spot

  2. I would love to visit a Hot Springs sometime. We were going to in Idaho, where they were not infrequent. But I overheat and pass out, so we never wanted to take the chance. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    OH yes, I wasn't remembering you'd be a Cubby fan, too - duh, me. So I wish you luck as well. :D

    I must've watched Smokey and the Bandit dozens of times as a kid, but I don't remember a thing about it!

  3. I like the idea of sitting down at a piano and being able to play. But lately I've been listening to classical guitar and it's so soothing.

  4. I would love to be able to sit down and play piano somewhere. Awesome.
    I want to go to Hot Springs also. It is not far from my house, yet I have never been.
    After answering your questions last night, I sat down and watched a few innings of the Cardinals. They actually won. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

  5. Top Cat was on the channel we couldn't get. 3 channels, we could only get two of them. Sometimes I would see the other channel when I was visiting my grandmother.


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