Saturday, October 28, 2006

In praise of McDreamy

Have you seen the new issue of US? I am once again sooooo in love with Patrick Dempsey.

Seems that the on-set argument we've heard whispers about included a castmate using hate language to refer to TR Knight's sexuality. Since there was press on the set that day, poor "George" was inadvertently outted. Patrick Dempsey objected. He used his star power (and, it sounds like, physical size) to stick up for a friend and coworker. How hot is that?

I swear. A lot. Vulgarity doesn't offend me. But I never, NEVER speak ill of anyone's ethnicity, religion or sexuality and I object to it when those around me do. It's ugly, and it hurts people. Besides, it's ignorant. Is someone lazy or sloppy because of where his or her grandfather was born? Does sexual preference make someone rude or dishonest? It's not only ugly, it's ridiculous. When you think of it, it's almost as insulting to the listener as it is to the target.

And if there's anything I hate more than bigots, it's bullies. And if there's anything I love more than men with thick dark hair, it's men with thick dark hair and clear blue eyes … and a well-defined sense of right and wrong.

Sigh. Dr. McDreamy, you're my he-ro.

P.S. And, Dr., because I love you so I hope you come to your senses and pass on drippy Meredith. She's so boring and whiny. I like Addison more, but I can see why you two crazy kids can no longer make it work.

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