Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Thursday Thirteen #403

There's a national Pet Poison Prevention Week and this is it. I spend a lot of time at the vet, and I grabbed a handout from the ASPCA so I could share its contents. You likely have common household products close at hand that could be hazardous if eaten or inhaled by your dog or cat. 

This list is by no means exhaustive.* It's just my little red flag of warning to you fur parents.

1. Prescription meds

2. Vitamins

3. Lighter fluid

4. Tobacco

5. Detergent (dogs find pods quite attractive)

6. Fabric softener

7. Bleach

8. Drain cleaner

9. Oven cleaner spray

10. Paint thinner

11. Motor oil


13. Anti-freeze (dogs and cats like the smell, so be careful!)

*Here's what the ASPCA has to say on the subject.

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.


  1. Chewing gum is one I learned about some years ago... the xylitol. So many things we just don't always think about. Great list!!

  2. Chocolate, too, if I remember right. The anti-freeze isn't good for any animal but they seem drawn to it. Must taste/smell good to them.

  3. I am passing this along.


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