Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sunday Stealing

Cry Baby

1) Think about the last person you forgave. How long did it take you to forgive them? I forgave Carla for cancelling and rescheduling our lunch date twice. I admit I was pissed but I got over myself pretty quick. She recently lost her job and is feeling overwhelmed by life. When we finally got together on Friday, I gave her a little purse calendar to help her restore a touch of order to her life. She loved it!
2) Steph's favorite fast food is Taco Bell. What's yours? Lou's thin crust.

3) Who was the last friend you hung out with? What did you do? I've been (la-de-dah) quite social this week, going to lunch with my friends Nancy, Carla and on Saturday, my friend Elaine.
4) Did you do anything this past week that will still seem important a year from now? Maybe. I gave Carla a job lead. Here's hoping it turns into something.

5) Will this coming week be better than last week? How so? Maybe not better but certainly different. I'm only working one shift, which leaves me a lot of time to relax and concentrate on stuff around my home.




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