Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Thursday Thirteen #397

 13 jolts of joy. Here are 13 things that never fail to make me smile, no matter what. With the nation going the way it is, it's important to cling to these little moments.

1. Seeing a friend's name on my landline caller ID. Everybody texts these days. I love it when someone carves out a little time to talk.

2. Getting off the train and realizing I'm in The Loop. Ever since I was a little girl I believed there was magic and excitement downtown. It doesn't disappoint.

3. Seeing my building as the train pulls in. I'm lucky to live so close to the station. Catching sight of my building, peering into the lobby, as the train slows to a stop always make me happy because in about 5 minutes, I'll be home.

4. When the three of us curl up together. My two cats are very independent and unpredictable. They go their own way for their own reasons. Yet about once a day, they both settle in around me on the sofa or in my bed. I can feel the comfort they take from one another and from me. I love this.

5. Starting a new book. Especially if it's one I know little about. It could teach me anything and take me anywhere.

6. Rewatching a favorite movie. It's like seeing old friends again. It surprises me how much faster the time goes by with a rewatch.

7. American Airlines e-shopping. How I love earning extra miles for shopping as I would anyway! I know I have earned enough to fly one way to LA this spring for the TCM Film Festival. Depending on which flight I book, I may have enough to fly round trip for free. YAY!

8. Singing with the oldies in the morning. My little shower radio is the best $20 I've ever spent. It brings me joy every morning.

9. A dash of cinnamon. I add it to my hot chocolate and to my applesauce. I do it as much for the scent as the taste.

10. The sound of a Coke can when I pop it open. Soon I'm going to feel cold bubbles on my tongue!

11. The crack of the bat. Especially if I'm listening to the ball game on the radio. Sometimes I know right away if it's a base hit.

12. Reaching that spot with the back scratcher. A couple weeks ago, when I dedicated a TT to dry skin, Liz A. and Kwizgiver recommended I get a back scratcher. How right you ladies were!

 13. Freshly sharpened pencils. It's a delight to see that thin line on paper.

How about you? What always coaxes a smile out of you?

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.



  1. At my dermatology appointment earlier this week, we talked about dry skin & treatments and back scratchers!

  2. We had similar themes and reasons behind them this week! I'm with you on the books and movies, but the oldies come in later in the day when I'm making dinner!

  3. I'm glad the back scratcher worked out. I'm kind of in a funk (see my Monday post if you want to know why), so thinking up things that make me smile I'm drawing a blank on. There are things. I just can't think of them at the moment.

  4. Hearing a favorite song on the radio can do it for me.


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