Sunday, January 26, 2025

A Sign of the Times

This was taped to the door of the administrative office of my church. My. Church. Is this what half the country voted for? For the most vulnerable among us to be frightened in a house of worship?

I haven't seen a dip in the cost of eggs. I've heard drivers whine about gas prices. There is no peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine. Those are things the new President promised "on day one" and they haven't happened. But he has made cruelty a priority during his first week.

That's a reflection of my elbow under the sign. I'll never forget how shocked I was when I saw this sign at my church.

My church.

Why aren't the uber Christians who support MAGA ashamed? Didn't they learn this in Sunday School: "Treat the least among us as you treat me?"

But I'm proud of my community and my congregation for making federal law enforcement obey the law.


  1. I am glad your church is following the teachings of Jesus, Emannuel-God with us. I need to check what the policy of our church is.

  2. That's been going around social media--most ICE officers don't have judicial warrants. They have administrative warrants. People can refuse to obey administrative warrants. FYI.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My village passed a binding referendum in 2017. By ordinance, village officials are not only not required to cooperate with ICE they are legally *prevented* from handing over information about individuals "unless such inquiry or investigation is required by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction.” Our Village President confirmed this to me via email back in November, saying ours is "one of the strongest ordinances in the nation." If Trump and Homan insist on making IL, Cook County and my town an example, we are all looking at protracted legal battles.

  3. ICE should always have to comply with the law including having appropriate warrants. Churches have been places of sanctuary since the middle ages, so it is sad and troubling that a presidential decree is changing such a long standing tradition.

  4. The price of eggs rose over the weekend. As did the price of gas. I am deeply saddened at the thought of ICE agents going into schools.

  5. Anyone who was paying attention should not be surprised. The MAGAs are happy with the cruelty.


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